POCON’s objective is to create and maintain optimal conditions
for scientific research in the field of psychosocial oncology in the Netherlands.
Within POCON, we bring together researchers and encourage them to carry out excellent research, ultimately contributing – at clinical and policy level – to optimal psychosocial support and care for patients and their loved ones.

We aim to achieve this objective by:
- designing, disseminating, and continuously refining a scientific research agenda.
- fostering national and international collaboration between researchers in the field of psychosocial oncology.
- jointly applying for grants, conducting research and disseminating knowledge gained within psychosocial oncology at national and international levels.
- functioning as the contact point for national parties with questions about research in the field of psychosocial oncology.
- increasing the importance, visibility and implementation of psychosocial oncology as a relevant field of research in the clinic and policy.
- By joining forces in a research consortium, we form one large network of researchers in psychosocial oncology in the Netherlands.
- This collaboration creates cross-fertilisation of knowledge and experience from different (sub)disciplines within psychosocial oncology.
- By working together from a research agenda, we increase our potential to obtain national and international funding for our research.
This allows us to:
- perform fundamental, exploratory and translational research at the highest level.
- enhance the current infrastructure of psychosocial research and care in oncology.
- support the large-scale implementation of innovative psychosocial care initiatives in oncology, clinical practice and policy.
Steering committee
Chair: Saskia Duijts
Members: Melanie Schellekens, Belle de Rooij, Meeke Hoedjes, José Custers, Michiel Greidanus, Martijn Bours, Robbert Sanderman & Peter Huijgens